Meet the Mormons


Sorry, guys, I’m behind again! I’ll just copy in last week’s update for this post. When I get Priel’s update for this past week, I’ll actually talk about it myself in another post. Thanks! So, from last Monday:

This week has been a good week! We were able to accomplish a lot.

On Monday, we taught Tiffany the Law of Chastity. Her daughter, Jordyn, actually sat in on the lesson and participated! It was a really good lesson and the Spirit was present. Tiffany said that she has had problems with chastity in the past, but she was willing to commit to live the Law of Chastity.

We also stopped by Mikalai’s work, and talked to her about getting her patriarchal blessing. She feels like she is ready to receive it, and she will be talking to the bishop about it soon.

I also had a super cool experience while visiting Mikalai. I saw this man from my old area sitting at one of the tables, and for the longest time I couldn’t figure out how I knew him. It finally clicked that he was in the Bridge Tower Ward. I got really excited but I couldn’t remember his name. I finally went and talked to him. He reminded me that his name is Brother Featherstone. In the middle of our conversation, I remembered a dream that I’d had while I was still serving in the Bridge Tower Ward. I’d had a dream that I was talking to Brother Featherstone in Baskin Robbins, and Sister Pitkin was talking to someone else. That dream was the exact situation that was happening. It was super cool! I then felt like Sister Pitkin and I were meant to be there at that time.

On Tuesday we finally met a less active man that we’ve been trying to meet but have never met before. We had a really good visit with him. His wife is not a member, and was taking the lessons a couple of years ago. The Elders that taught her told her that she needed to get baptized or else she would go to hell. That really turned her off (which is understandable), and hasn’t been ready to meet with missionaries again just yet.

On Wednesday we got to watch Meet the Mormons! It is a film done by the church about 6 members of the church from various parts of the world. It is super well done, and I highly recommend that people go see it. It really shows that Mormons are normal people and not some crazy cultists who sacrifice penguins. So yeah, go see it! All proceeds go to the Red Cross.

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