Easter Week


Priel’s most recent e-mail:

Hello comrades!!!!

This week has been a pretty good week.

We went the assisted living home that is in our area this week, and it was pretty fun. The people there are so kind and amazing. We’ve been going once a week, so we have developed such a good relationship with some of the residents there, and they look forward to us coming every week. They especially love it when we play bingo with them. I hate playing bingo because it is incredibly boring to me. If you’ve seen Hotel Transylvania, I always picture the part where the monsters are playing bingo and falling asleep whenever I see an actual bingo game. Anyways, we only play bingo because that’s what they want, so we do it because it makes them happy.

We also went on exchanges this week. I got to be with Sister Delahoyde, my MTC companion! We had a lot of fun together and it was so awesome to see how much our teaching skills have improved since leaving the MTC.

District Meeting this week was super entertaining. Elder Liufau, our Samoan elder, broke his hand when he fell off his bike, so he was all drugged up on pain medication. He kept saying random things and doing random things, like he took my cardigan off my chair and then tried to put it on, and then he told everyone to stop looking at him.Then he proceeded to walk out of the room and then kissed his companion on top of the his head. I ended up writing down a bunch of things he said, so now I have blackmail just in case he does anything terrible to me. Muahaha!

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